Can symons 4 1/4 cone crusher be used for 200 TPH Philippine crushing plant? Author:Great Wall Company Posted:2015-11-03 Views:474
Mr. John want to buy symons 4 1/4 cone crusher for Philippine granite crushing plant with capacity of 200 tons per hour, Client is from search engine into The following dialogue is the record of selecting cone crusher for Philippine granite crushing plant.
Alex 09-12 14:59:28
Hello, How are you sir? Thank you for your attention on our cone crusher
This is Alex from Great Wall Company located in China, May i help you ?
Client 128 09-12 15:01:22
nice to meet you, This is John from Cebu city in Philippine
Alex 08-12 15:01:30
Nice to meet you too Mr. John. What can i do for you?
Client 128 09-12 15:01:46
I want to buy symons cone crusher for 200 t/h granite crushing plant in Philippine
What is the approximate cost of cone crushers in complete stone crushing plant?
Alex 09-12 15:02:01
Firstly, please kindly tell the detailed requirement on cone crusher in granite crushing plant,
What is the maximum feeding size of granite? As well as needed output size range after being crushed?
What is the maximum feeding size of granite? As well as needed output size range after being crushed?
Client 128 09-12 15:02:56
Rock materials would be granite, limestone and destroyed stone rubble
We have the primary jaw crusher PE 900*1200 ,so that maximum input size is around 160 mm in secondary crushing stage,
and required output grades are 0-15 mm, 15-30mm, 30 -40mm
Alex 09-12 15:03:49
We propose you symons 4 1/4 cone crusher for 200 tph granite crushing plant according to your requirement.
Symons 4 1/4 cone crusher is equal to our CZS51B Cone crusher, CZS51B Cone crusher medium type is your best choice.
Client 128 09-12 15:04:15
Can you send us best cone crusher price and detailed working specifications via email ?
Email address is
Alex 09-12 15:04:15
OK, I got it. Thank you for your inquiry on our stone crusher
We will send you official cone crusher quotation via email.
Client 128 09-12 15:12:03
OK, I am looking forward to your stone crusher quotation and crushing plant lay out.
Alex 09-12 15:12:29
We will send you reply as soon as possible. Have a nice day !
Client 128 09-12 15:13:15
Thank you for your patience. Bye
Alex 09-12 15:13:35
My pleasure. Bye